Tuesday, April 12, 2016

National Library Week

We are about to enter the final grading period of the year and things are getting busy around the campus. This year sure has flown by. It is National Library Week and I just wanted to take a moment to share how much I LOVE my job. I enjoyed teaching 1st and 2nd grade, but my heart was just waiting for the chance to get my dream job of librarian. I snuck reading books into all subjects as a classroom teacher. If we were learning about fractions-I'd find a book to read the kids about fractions!

Last year, I finally got my chance to have a library of my own and read to kids ALL day! It has definitely been everything I hoped for and more. It brightens my day when a student asks me for a book recommendation and then comes back to say how much they enjoyed the book. I love reading to the students because I love seeing their reactions to certain parts. Their comments about books are very insightful.

This year, we have also introduced a library makerspace and the students literally jump for joy when they know they get to use the materials. I had planned on switching out makerspaces, but the students are still so excited that I am going to save our new stuff for next year. Coding robots, circuits, stop-motion-action figures, and more will be added in August. I think the groans when I say "time to clean up!" will be even louder next year.

Overall, the thing I love the most about being a librarian is being surrounded by books. It comforts me to know that in a world of technology, we still have BOOKS! Don't get me wrong-I want my students to be 21st Century learners and I am our campus i3 technology representative. However, it's just refreshing to know that if the power went out or the wifi went down, then we could all just grab a book and READ!!!

Thank a librarian this week and thank the library aides because shelving and book repair are tough jobs. Happy Library Week!!