Thursday, December 19, 2019

December 2019 in the Library

Even though it doesn't feel like Christmas is! December was a packed month and I cannot believe this semester is almost over. Here is a sampling of the many events that occurred this month.

This semester, our book fair was canceled at the last minute due to some production issues. The company did provide us with a credit to buy tons of new books for our library though. These have already proven to be very popular!

I hosted our annual spelling bee this month. Congrats to these two!

I enjoyed being a featured moderator for #GISDChat this month. The topic of growing your PLN is one that I love to talk about since I learn so much from my PLN. 

I attended the Garland Education Foundation's Tinsel and Trivia Night. They had a board with a grant from each school on it. Mine was funded right in front of my eyes so our students will have some Chromebooks to use next year!

I also served as a brain to help give back to the organization that has given our library so much. I was nervous, but it ended up being a great time! I helped the Rowlett Chamber of Commerce to a second place finish and met some awesome fellow brains from across the district. 

My fifth grade novel study group finished Number the Stars on National Cookie day so we enjoyed some Danish cookies. I also used A World of Cookies for Santa as my read aloud for that week since we had a school-wide research project on how other countries celebrate the holidays. The project culminated in an AVID Around the World Night where the students showed off their hard work.

The students in my morning group finished off the year creating their own countries. They had to do a whole packet of prompts like "what land forms do you have?" and "what language do your people speak?" The students then presented their info by doing a press conference. 

My 3rd grade Charlotte's Web group got to have a little makerspace fun by creating a web.

The kids created cards for the teachers to spread some holiday cheer.

My book bites clubs ended for this year. Here is one of the groups celebrating the end of our book by watching The Grinch during lunch. 

Bitmoji Image

This week has been full of Secret Santa fun, sweet gifts, and celebrating the end of 2019. I pray that you and yours have a wonderful break, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!