Wednesday, June 5, 2019

May 2019 in the Library

May really flew by with testing and end of year craziness! I feel like this month was definitely the fastest one yet in my library career. 

I spent Mondays and Wednesdays in May teaching computer classes to adults at the beautiful GRCTC high school.

My partners and I conducted classes about various topics like social media, Google, and digital resources. It was a super program that I hope continues in the future. 

Parents loved learning how to email their child's teacher and even sent a few messages thanking them for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Book projects poured in this year so we celebrated degrees. These students earned a lunch party with their degree!

One first grade made it all the way to doctorate level so she earned a bubble party for her whole class!

My fabulous webmaster partner and I went to the district luncheon to celebrate our hard work. 

Muffins with Mom was a success!

I hosted the talent show with wonderful acts that our music teacher Mrs. Nelson helped to prepare.

The PTA carnival finally happened after weather postponed it a couple times. Everyone had a great a time and loved the games along with the petting zoo!

Coach Thompson planned another fun-filled Field Day and our team rocked it. 

One last team picture that summarizes personalities so well. :) There will be some big changes next year, but I have faith that it will be a great 2019-2020 school year because of this awesome staff! 
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I took some adorable videos of first graders doing a scavenger hunt for their summer reading book packs. It was so fun! You can check those out on my Twitter @readingray Between the district's summer reading contest with MyOn, the public library's contest, and Bradfield's summer reading bingo card...our kids should be rolling in the prizes!

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Here is the recap of the whole was a great one, but now it's time to do summer!