Tuesday, March 19, 2019

February 2019 in the Library

February was a busy month with tons of different activities going on. Check out just a snippet of the fun we had in the library this month!

We began the month by celebrating World Read Aloud day with a winter favorite!

I used some of our fall book fair Scholastic points to get 100 books to give away on the 100th day of school. It was great to see kids so excited, but sad when the cart was empty.

Our Bunnicula lunch book club for 3-5 graders wrapped up on February 13th. We celebrated the kids' success with a cookie party. 

GISD nutrition donated a Dr. Seuss book to give away and this special girl was chosen by her teacher due to her love of Dr. Seuss books!

The Brook Dale Assisted Living Center donated this bench to our school. It is handmade! 

The librarians enjoyed a full day training with information about budgets and learning about the new TEKS for ELA.

It was great to have time to examine the new TEKS' strands so we are prepared for next year!

I did a 5 week afterschool book club for 1st and 2nd graders. We loved reading More-Igami and creating cool fish out of paper.

Since February is Dental Health month, we read about keeping our teeth healthy and then made posters with tips on them. 

We read about the White House and then they designed their own colorful houses.

For Valentine's Day, our club read a festive book and made 3D cards.

Our final club meeting was full of the students creating their own exercise routines to celebrate Healthy Heart Month. 

Since it was also Digital Learning Day, we filmed the routines on an iPad.

My 5th grade novel study group did a Kahoot about Wonder on Digital Learning day too. 

We finished our novel study by watching the movie Wonder and comparing it to the book. These kids definitely earned their popcorn and movie party!

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March is already half-way through and it has been a whirlwind!