Thursday, September 17, 2020

July/August 2020 in the Library

 The blog is back! So, during the spring, I took a blog hiatus because...well, life and a pandemic happened. I am glad to be able to share the awesome library things happening so far this school year. 

I attended a two day training about myON in July. I learned tons about projects and reports. I am looking forward to sharing this information with students and staff. 

I also attended our yearly webmaster training to get a refresher on how the website should work.

Our district switched to Canvas so I spent a little of my summer learning about Canvas so I could have my virtual library ready. 

It was fun to blend the real library and the virtual Bitmoji one together. Sadly, all of this furniture and the displays are packed away for this year. 

This became a very important place to look as I supported librarians and teachers through the transition to Canvas. I am so proud of how everyone has stepped up to the challenge of learning a new way to teach in a short amount of time. 

I presented at the Region 10 Library EdCampMashUp about virtual visits. This is going to be such strange year and it will be tricky to find ways to connect, but virtual visits are a great way to do that.

The staff started back in person in early August with a review of our mission and vision statements. Through the tough days we have to remember why we are here. 

My beautiful library is a little less beautiful this year, but still full of books for the students to check out.

The view is different, but this too shall pass. The library is OPEN!

Our remote learners have been requesting books and doing curbside check out. It has been fun to be a personal shopper for books. 

Our students were all virtual learners in August so our Canvas library course became a focus. We have weekly read alouds posted for students to enjoy.

There is a discussion area for students to share about what they are reading.

Our virtual library is open 24/7 for students and staff to find resources and reading materials.

GISD librarians are aiming to be R2V2 this year. That may include a lot of "non-library" jobs, but we are all in to help however we can.

When the world changed, so did how we teach. Being an i3 is going to be a much more important role this year and I am excited to see what the future holds. I always learn so much and am eager to share it with our campus. 

Some of the students are coming back in September and I cannot wait to see them. I am excited to continue sharing literacy with both our remote learners and the face to face ones.

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